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Dozen White Roses

and this bouquet of pure whites delivers a message of timeless innocence, sent with an open heart.
Approx. 22” H x 22” W

Price:  $84.99 USD
plus service fee

In most cases same day delivery available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient's time zone (noon on Saturdays)

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Substitution Policy


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1. Arrangement/Price

2. Recipient's Zip Code

3. Delivery Date

  1 Dozen $84.99
  1 1/2 Dozen $119.99
  2 Dozen $169.99

    Find a zip code




Note: due to ongoing issues with the floral supply chain, significant substitutions may be required on some mixed arrangements

This item is professionally arranged and hand delivered to the recipient by our local florist. Since only the freshest and highest quality items are selected, colors and/or varieties may vary. Container may also vary.

Customer Comments

I just wanted to e-mail you to thank you for the lovely flowers you delivered last night...the roses and vase were stunning, very appropriate for my goddaughter’s 20th birthday. They had arrived on time and were conveniently and elegantly wrapped to easily transport home. In addition, I was relaxed that you had provided me with your 800 number in case anything went wrong at the last minute.

I wanted to email you to let you know that my sister said the flowers she received were beautiful. She told me how you phoned her house to let her know that they would be delivered...nice touch! I can’t tell you how pleased I was to hear that!

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We deliver throughout the Santa Clarita suburban area, including: American Beauty Classics, American Beauty Village East, Azusa Foothill Village, Belmont Townhomes, Bouquet Canyon Hills, Briarcliffe East Towne, Canon Village, Canyon Country Racquet Club, Canyon Country Villas, Canyon Park Carriage, Canyon Park Village, Circle J, Confetti, Franciscan Hill, Glenoaks Gardens, Iron Canyon, Lassen Village, Los Hermanos Estates, Monte Vista, Montecito Santa Clarita , Museum Heights , Northclub Villas, Olive Tree Villas , Rainbow-Sierra Terrace, Ridgeview Saugus, Riviera At Rhapsody , Santa Clarita Greenbrier , Shangri-La , Sierra Villas , Silverhawk Ridge, Soledad Gardenhomes, Southpointe Villas , Tarzana Millpond , The Courthome Collection Valencia Northpark, The Stonegate Castaic, The Wood Ranch Madera, Valencia Northpark, Valencia Vista Condo, Whites Canyon, Wiley Canyon Village